any type of obligation to them. Don't ever let one of them get you into his debt in any way whatever. Obviously, never enter a sex relation of any kind with someone responsible for serving you liquor. Just be nice, gentlemen and ladies, and keep liquor dispensing personnel at arm's length. To this not one of them could complain.

Behave circumspectly in bars. Once you have selected the few where you wish to become a "regular" go in with your friends rather than alone, yet remembering that not all bar friends are bad.

KNOW YOUR BARTENDER!as a bartender, but not socially.


Now suppose you have been the best of customers and yet, after all precautions and care, you are still mistreated. Yes, you can always change bars, but don't let it go at that. Whether there is proof or not, if you are correct in making a complaint, don't hesitate to make it, first to the management of the place, and to the authorities if necessary. Don't take actual abuse and let it pass for nothing. This only makes it

harder on the next person. A corrected bartender might think twice before getting unnecessarily arbitrary or discourteous with the next man or woman. Just be sure you are right, reasonably in the clear, and then go ahead.

Other than that, you can at least try to boycott the place with the help of your friends, giving them reasons as to why they should not trade in a particular place. Personally, I have found that the more elaborate and high class the establishment, the less likely there is to be trouble, and the more likely it is that any trouble which might arise can be taken care of as it should be.

There is something else to be said regarding sexual assignation of whatever kind. The practice of entering into sex relations with strangers is not advisable. There are times when a casual meeting may lead to something of this sort. If a new acquaintance of whatever sex is unwilling to meet you socially in a bar and give you a phone number or address for future social contact, forget the person. Socializing before sexualizing is the best way. No one is likely to get into trouble that way. Know your fellow customers as well as your bartender.


A life-betterment ragazine*

published at irregular intervals for individuals interested in Federated Families. If you would like a copy of Hearth, or information, write to:

Hearth, Box 71, 844, Los Angeles 1, California *Not to be confused with magazine.